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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Accessories To Spice Up Your Blogger Page

It takes a lot for a blog to become exceptional. There has to be a good amount of original information, fun and easy user interface and navigation, plus updates and posts need to happen frequently and consistently. You also can’t forget to engage your readers via social media and the comment sections. But a few of the aspects that are often overlooked are the accessories that you can add to your Blogger page. If you are looking to spice up your blog and attract more traffic, check out a few of these cool Blogger enhancements that are easy to install, yet hard to resist.

AdSense Search Bar

An AdSense Search Bar will allow your readers to search for subjects on your blog. This will give them a better user experience and the convenience, which will also ensure that they return to your site. Everyone likes being able to search for a post they saw a few months ago without having to scroll back through dozens of “Previous Post” pages. This Search Bar lets your users do exactly that. 

Share Button 

There are many different ways to add a “Share This” button to your page. This will allow people to share your most insightful blog posts via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other sites. We all know how important social media is to blogging. To add the button, go to your Blogger Dashboard and click “Layout.” Click on “HTML” and check the box that says “Expand blog widgets.” Find the line of code that says. I would recommend using the Find function in your browser.

Paste this after the <data:post.body/> code:

    <!– Add to Any Share/Save BEGIN –>

    <br/><a class=’a2a_dd’ href=’‘><img alt=’Share/Save/Bookmark’ border=’0′ src=’‘ width=’171′ height=’16′/><p class=’a2a_linkname_escape’ style=’display:none’><data:post.title/></p></a><script type=’text/javascript’>a2a_linkname_escape=1;a2a_linkurl=”<data:post.url/>”;</script><script src=’‘ type=’text/javascript’></script>

    <!– Add to Any Share/Save END –>

After you’ve pasted this, you should preview it to make sure it worked and then begin creating blogs that your followers will be eager to share. Then watch your popularity grow like wildfire!

Google Translation Widget

The world is a global village now. The Internet has allowed us to communicate with people on the other side of the planet instantaneously. If you’re blogging about something, someone on the other side of the world can read it as soon as you post it. However, the language barrier still exists; but thanks to the Google Translation Widget, it’s more of a speed bump than a barricade. Think of every non-English speaking reader as an untapped market. Add this widget to your page and watch your international readership skyrocket.

Try these things out and see if they don’t give you a wider reach into the blogosphere domestically and abroad. There’s a lot of competition out there for the attention span of Internet users and staying on top of things like these accessories can help you keep your readership engaged onsite and regularly returning for more. Technology is only going to get better and updates to programs like WordPress are going to continue to alter and increase the possibilities in the blogosphere.