the hostgator coupon free sexy nude: SWEDISH RHAPSODY AUGUST 2009 Part 6

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Swedish Rhapsody
Part 6, the final one

Friday 14th August 2009

My travelling companion left early to take a trip from Grisslehamn to Eckerő, another port in the Aland Islands, on the ECKERŐ, as he had a late flight home that evening. I had a more leisurely start to the day and walked round to the BIRGER JARL quayside. All the ISPS fencing was open so I could easily walk along, thank goodness. I came to an abrupt halt when I got to BLIDOSUND, the 1911 built ship tied up at her berth, because she was coaling! Now there was an unusual sight, which reminded me of the old postcard pictures of Union-Castle Line ships being coaled in Southampton, although on a different scale.

A tip-up coal lorry had been backed up to the ship and a chute extended over the ship’s side. A lever was pulled, coal came from the lorry and down and along the open chute, and fell into a big metal hopper.

When this was full a crew member stopped the coal flow and pushed the hopper along the deck to tip the contents into the engine room. It took a lot of effort and some hours because I had time to walk around the harbour and take photographs from the other side.

I stood near STORSKAR, this time admiring her in morning sunlight and watched NORRSKAR preparing to sail. She was built in 1910 and is sister ship to BLIDOSUND, so I enjoyed seeing these ancient vessels still in constant use.

I liked the view of BLIDOSUND taken from a footpath on the other side of the harbour, and through one of the golden crowns - I think I shall call it my 'crowning glory'...

Ships seen: Friday 14th August 2009
Costa Atlantica, Blidosund, Storskar, Norrskar,

I soon had to start my homeward journey, and reluctantly left the waterways of Stockholm to head inland to the airport. As I write this note I am playing again the Hugo Alfven Symphony No. 2 in D major and the Midsommarvaka (Swedish Rhapsody No. 1) to bring back memories of a fascinating holiday on memorable vessels.